Create SharePoint List item from MS forms and add attachments to SharePoint List

Situation:  I have a MS Form "New hire questionnaire" that collects information from a New Hire that will be starting with our company. I am using MS Forms, which is available to the public facing user without authentication. So no need to sign in. This would be the first step on our automated "Onboarding" process. This MS Form will populate a "New Hire" lookup list so the HR department can use the data to start a process for the new hire to be ready to go on their first day of work. For instance, HR fills out a second "New Hire" form that is auto populated with the New Hire's address, phone number, personal email, etc... This process was manually type into our systems before this platform.  Having the new hire fill in this information and having future forms auto populated with that data, causing less errors in the data. (WE hope LOL)

This MS Form allows new hires to upload photos of their state or federal issues ID. We need to get that image file into the lookup list, which later,once HR completes the second form, that file will be copied/moved into the employee's newly created folder in the Employee Record Library.  So let's get into the SharePoint List.


1. Create the flow with the trigger "When a new response is submitted"

2. Add the action "Get response details"  

3.  Add the action "Parse Json" to parse the attachment array (Click here for directions how to find the array data)

4. Add the action "Create item"  add the fields from the dynamic content.

5. Add the action "Get file content using path" ** For "File path" use the dynamic content from the parse section "link".
Note: Adding this step will add a "For Each" step and that's ok. :)

6.Add the action "Add attachment "
***For the field "File name" use the Parse dynamic content


All done. :)