melinda's blog

Bad Gateway Error- Power Automate SFTP AWS S3 Buckets

If you are trying to using Power Automate and following "I Am Lu" s Tutorial and you get a Bad Gateway error in your power automate. The Key was not made correctly. I am not sure if it is because I am on a Mac and Lu is on a Windows but if you want the flow to connect to AWS then run the below command in your terminal to get the correct SSH Key.

ssh-keygen -m PEM

The key should start with:



Condition when added a admin token flow Power Automate- Power Platform Connectors- O365 Management API - 401

To add the condition for the Admin token flow here>

Condition Basic Edit does not exist anymore for you would do this instead.

In the first condition field put an expression containing:

@or(equals(items('Apply_to_each_2')['Operation'], 'CreateFlow'),equals(items('Apply_to_each_2')['Operation'], 'EditFlow'))

in the second field put in an expression containing:

When the pager does not show up on your Drupal 9 View or doesn't appear on any page other than the first page. (Page 1)

Ran into this issue and the simple answer wasn't too easy to find.

GO into you view

Go to the "PAGER" section (in the middle)

Adding Google Tag Manager Datalayer elements for Drupal 9 webform

1. First copy and paste the confirmation twig template for webforms in the webforms module.

Then add a div to the twig template like this.

<div id="learning-objective-data">  </div>

In the div place your webform submission data token for the field you would like to grab

{{ Webform Field }} 

So it looks like this:

<div id="learning-objective-data">
{{ }} 


Twig Trim Body Summary for templates Code

<div class="summary">
 {% set text = content.body['#object'].body.summary|render %}
{{ text|length > 80 ? text|slice(0, 80)|raw ~ '...' : text|raw }}
{% set text = content.body['#object'].body.summary|render|striptags %}
{{ text|length > 80 ? text|slice(0, 80) ~ '...' : text }}

ColorBox, Paragraphs, Media Types and fun stuff.

Recreating the process that's on our site.

 Create Media type for the Colorbox image.
 a. Add media type
b. I named mine Lightbox image
c. Media Source
d. Media source configuration = -Create - 
e. Field mapping- I only used "Name" as "Name"
f. Publish options = "Published" is ticked
g. Click the sprocket and change the image size to what suits you
h. sAve

Re-direct rule to make edit display form save and stay on itself and not go to /node/nid


When content is updated



Text comparison

Data selector:  @rules.current_path_context:current_path.path

Operator: contains

Matching text (direct input mode) : /yourdisplaypath.  (For instance, mine was /steps)


Node Tokens for Rules Drupal 9

For reference:


Node Author's email address:  {{ node.uid.entity.mail.value }}

Node created:  {{ node.created.value }}

Node Title: {{ node.title.value}}

Author's Username: {{ }}

Node Edit Link:  your website/node/{{ node.nid.value }}/edit




Example of my rule message body:

Hi {{ }},

Over-riding the Node Preview button in Drupal Node Edit form

I had to make a pretty easy change so yours may be more complex than what I needed.

I need the user to view a piece of content that had the start on our front page so they could follow the flow from the start. So I had the "Preview" button in the Node Add and Node Edit form re-direct them to the front page.
I found the code I needed to adjust in the node.routing.yml in Core Module Node.

We had a custom module where I put the below code into the MyModule.routing.yml file. I changed the path to '/'. which is the path to the front page.

Gin Theme Menu CSS Drupal 9- Horizontal Menu

Create Menu in Structure.

Place menu as a block where you need it and configure it in "Blocks Layout"

Here's the CSS: (Note: I had to save the css directly to the Gin styles.css for it to work. It would not work in my custom theme)

#block-YourMenuMachineName > ul{
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  list-style-type: none;
  margin-top: 50px;
  margin-bottom: 25px;
  padding: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  background-color: #333333;
  width: 100%;


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